On CKAN.net we use Google Analytics to track user behaviour. Many other CKAN users do the same.
When we wanted to track resource downloads (e.g. how many times people have clicked a link to a particular CSV), we thought we would make life easier by packaging all the Analytics behaviour we wanted into a single extension.
This new
Analytics Extension does a few useful things:
- Inserts Google Analytics page tracking code into every page for you
- Adds special tracking code to track resource download clicks
- Creates a new page that summarises the data from Google Analytics, within CKAN (example)
- Adds text next to each resource download link on a package page, with download statistics (example)
Here are screenshots of the new CKAN user interface elements:
[gallery link="file"]
Grab the code for the new
Analytics Extension, and drop us a line on
ckan-discuss if you need a hand installing it.