We are happy to announce that CKAN 2.5 is now released. In addition, new patch releases for older versions of CKAN are now available to download and install.
CKAN 2.5
The 2.5 release (actually 2.5.1 as we skipped 2.5.0) offers speed improvements to the home page, searching and several other key pages and API. In addition, CKAN extensions can provide language translations in a more integrated way. And it's now easy to customize the file uploader to suit using different cloud providers. 2.5 also includes plenty of other improvements contributed by the CKAN developer community during the past 4 months, as detailed in the CHANGELOG
If you have customizations or extensions, we suggest you trial the upgrade first in a test environment and refer to the changes in the changelog. Upgrade instructions are below.
CKAN patch releases
These new patch releases for CKAN 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x fix important bugs and security issues, so users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest patch release for the CKAN version they are using.
For a list of the fixes included you can check the CHANGELOG
For details on how to upgrade, see the following links depending on your install method:
Package upgrade
Source upgrade
If you find any issue, you can let the technical team know in the mailing list or the IRC channel.