Today's online meetup will be on the topic of Data Stores and Data APIs in relation to CKAN and will discuss specifically CKAN's current Data Store and Data API. All are welcome.
- When: 5-6pm GMT
- Where: Via Skype - add your name on the etherpad here.
- Subject: CKAN's DataStore and Data storage capabilities - details below.
Previously, data indexed on CKAN was usually stored offsite (e.g. on
the publisher's own site). For over a year CKAN has had general ("blob") storage capabilities. Over the last 6 months CKAN has also developed a DataStore in which structured data can be stored. The DataStore provides a Data API, allowing the data to
be queried, visualisations to be built on top, etc.
The API is used by
Recline Data Explorer which is integrated into CKAN and is deployed on
There are exciting developments under way
in this area - if you'd like to talk or hear about them, or have
suggestions, come to the meetup!