We're excited to announce the launch of a new initiative focused on encouraging users to engage with CKAN through our new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. Starting this month, we will be running a social media campaign that will ask users to submit their questions to us via Twitter, LinkedIn, or this form. We will be using the hashtag #CKANFAQ to make it easier for users to find and follow our campaign. Our team of experts will then review the questions and provide detailed answers on social media and on our FAQ page. By actively soliciting questions, we can ensure that the FAQ page is up-to-date and relevant to the needs of our users.
Whether you are a longtime user of CKAN, or are just starting to explore it, we want to hear from you! Stay tuned for more information, and don't forget to use the hashtag #CKANFAQ when you submit your questions!
How to submit your questions
There are two ways you can submit your questions:
- Via Twitter or LinkedIn using #CKANFAQ
- By filling out this form
How to get your answer
- If you've used the form, we'll send it to the email you have provided there.
- If you submitted your question via social media, use the hashtag #CKANFAQ to keep track of our updates.
- We'll also add it to our FAQ page.
Stay connected
Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube and join our LinkedIn Group to stay tuned with the latest and greatest around CKAN.